

Hopefully you will never have to refer to this page, but nonetheless, it is a smart move to be prepared for emergencies if or when they occur.

Medical Emergencies: There are first aid kits in the main closet in the kitchen. It the injuries need professional care., the nearest hospital is 25 minutes away:

Map of the hospital route.
Map of the hospital route to Kern Valley Hospital.

Please be aware that this is the high desert with plenty of rattlesnakes and scorpions. In most cases, don’t bother them – they won’t bother you, but you should be prepared to provide simple first aid for any bites.

This critter was by the back porch last year:

snakes at the Monkey Flower Ranch
Snakes at the Monkey Flower Ranch


He tried to get away, but we caught him and let him go elsewhere. We don’t kill the animals on the Monkey Flower Ranch.

rattlesnakes at the monkey flower ranch
This guy was by the back porch.


Fire: Fire is a real hazard at the Monkey Flower Ranch. There was a devastating fire in April 2017 that ravaged the entire valley, and we were one of the lucky ones. If there is any sign of fire, please call 911.

Furthermore, the Monkey Flower ranch is a log home, and fire can be catastrophic. There is a fire extinguisher in the main closet by the kitchen. The fire department is 20 minutes away.




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